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After spending time with Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift expressed in a recent interview that she is depressed about returning to the road. “Time flew by so quickly; I just want time to stop for a bit so that.”



Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce: A Comprehensive Relationship Timeline Their love tale only gets better.


According to a source for US Weekly, the couple “deepened their bond” during “all the time they’ve spent together recently” — which makes the idea of going out on the road again “more challenging” for the pop star. Oof. While Taylor is upset to be spending time away from Travis, the pair understands they both have professional obligations to follow through with. The insider said:


After spending time with Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift expressed in a recent interview that she is depressed about returning to the road. "Time flew by so quickly; I just want time to stop for a bit so that."
“it makes the prospect of her tour more challenging. She’ll be sad. They support and respect [each other]. They have busy careers, so they understand those commitments, as difficult as it is.”

Fortunately, Travis and Taylor still have some time left together before she is back on tour! And they’re making the most of it. As we previously reported, the lovebirds were caught enjoying a dinner date at the Madeo Ristorante in Los Angeles earlier this week, where they sat on the same side of the booth. Yeah, they’re one of those couples. So cute!

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